300 Funny Persuasive Speech Topics You Should Know

So, you’re on the hunt for some hilarious but persuasive speech topics, huh? Well, you’ve come to the right place! Get ready to dive into the wonderful world of “Funny Persuasive Speech Topics.” We’re talking about topics that’ll have your audience rolling in the aisles while still making some solid points.

It’s all about mixing laughter with a dash of persuasion to keep things interesting. So, grab your sense of humor and let’s explore some topics that’ll have everyone laughing and nodding along in agreement.

Is it right to discuss Funny Persuasive Speech Topics?

Funny Persuasive Speech Topics

Discussing funny persuasive speech topics is perfectly acceptable and can be highly effective in certain contexts. Here’s why:

  1. Engagement: Humor is a powerful tool for engaging an audience. When people are entertained, they are more likely to pay attention and remember the message you’re trying to convey.
  2. Memorable: A funny speech is more likely to stick in people’s minds long after it’s delivered. By injecting humor into your speech, you increase the chances of your audience remembering your main points.
  3. Emotional connection: Humor can create an emotional connection between the speaker and the audience. When people laugh together, they feel a sense of camaraderie, which can make them more receptive to the speaker’s message.
  4. Relatability: Funny persuasive speech topics often touch on everyday experiences and situations that people can relate to. This relatability can make your message more persuasive because it resonates with the audience on a personal level.
  5. Disarming tension: In some situations, humor can help to disarm tension or defuse a potentially contentious topic. By lightening the mood with humor, you can make it easier for people to consider viewpoints that they might otherwise be resistant to.

However, it’s important to exercise caution when using humor in persuasive speeches. Make sure that your jokes are appropriate for the audience and the occasion, and avoid anything that could be offensive or insensitive.

Additionally, ensure that the humor supports your main message rather than overshadowing it. When used effectively, funny persuasive speech topics can be a powerful tool for communication and persuasion.

How and where to discuss funny persuasive speech topics?

There are several ways and places to discuss funny persuasive speech topics:

  1. Classrooms: If you’re a student, you might have opportunities to give persuasive speeches as part of your coursework. Many teachers and professors encourage students to incorporate humor into their presentations to engage their classmates and demonstrate their public speaking skills.
  2. Toastmasters Clubs: Toastmasters International is a global organization that helps members improve their public speaking and leadership skills through practice and feedback. Many Toastmasters clubs have meetings where members give speeches on a variety of topics, including persuasive speeches with humor.
  3. Comedy Clubs or Open Mic Nights: If you’re comfortable performing in front of a live audience, you could try out your funny persuasive speech at a comedy club or an open mic night. These venues provide a supportive environment for trying out new material and honing your comedic timing.
  4. Workshops or Seminars: Some organizations offer workshops or seminars on public speaking, where participants can learn and practice delivering persuasive speeches. These events often provide opportunities for participants to receive constructive feedback from instructors and peers.
  5. Online Platforms: With the rise of virtual communication, there are many online platforms where you can share your funny persuasive speech topics. You could create a video and upload it to platforms like YouTube or TikTok, or join online communities focused on public speaking or comedy.
  6. Social Gatherings: Informal social gatherings with friends or family can also be a great opportunity to test out your funny persuasive speech topics. Whether it’s at a dinner party or a backyard barbecue, you can engage your audience in conversation and see how they respond to your humor.

Remember to consider the appropriateness of your humor for the specific audience and setting, and be open to feedback to improve your delivery and effectiveness.

300 Funny Persuasive Speech Topics

Funny Persuasive Speech Topics

Here’s a list of 300 funny persuasive speech topics categorized for your convenience:

Entertainment and Pop Culture

  1. Why The Office is the ultimate binge-worthy show.
  2. The absurdity of superhero costumes.
  3. The ridiculousness of reality TV.
  4. Why cats are plotting to take over the world.
  5. The peculiar habits of celebrities.
  6. The humor in cheesy pick-up lines.
  7. The strange world of internet memes.
  8. The art of making the perfect playlist.
  9. The absurdity of movie sequels.
  10. Why dogs have mastered the art of manipulation.

Food and Drink

  1. The conspiracy behind pineapple on pizza.
  2. The real reason why chocolate is everyone’s guilty pleasure.
  3. The bizarre world of food combinations.
  4. The ridiculousness of food challenges.
  5. The secret life of grocery store items.
  6. Why breakfast is the most important meal of the day (for your Instagram feed).
  7. The hidden agenda of fast-food mascots.
  8. The peculiar rituals of coffee addicts.
  9. The science of why we can’t stop eating junk food.
  10. The truth behind food labels: Decoding the mystery.

Relationships and Dating

  1. The absurdity of online dating profiles.
  2. The comedic side of bad first dates.
  3. The strange habits of couples in love.
  4. Why arguing with your significant other can be fun.
  5. The truth about relationship advice columns.
  6. The art of flirting in the modern age.
  7. The hilarious side of being single.
  8. The real reason behind “opposites attract.”
  9. The secret language of emojis in relationships.
  10. Why dating apps are like a game of chance.

Technology and Social Media

  1. The absurdity of smartphone addiction.
  2. The comedic side of autocorrect fails.
  3. The strange world of internet conspiracy theories.
  4. The truth behind social media filters.
  5. The hidden agenda of online quizzes.
  6. The peculiar habits of internet trolls.
  7. The comedic value of internet cat videos.
  8. The reality behind Instagram vs. reality.
  9. The ridiculousness of online arguments.
  10. The truth about why we can’t put our phones down.

Work and Career

  1. The absurdity of office politics.
  2. The comedic value of workplace meetings.
  3. The strange habits of coworkers.
  4. The truth about office dress codes.
  5. The hidden agenda behind company team-building exercises.
  6. The hilarious side of job interviews.
  7. The absurdity of corporate jargon.
  8. The real reason behind office gossip.
  9. The comedic value of workplace stereotypes.
  10. The truth about why we procrastinate at work.

Education and School Life

  1. The absurdity of school dress codes.
  2. The comedic side of group projects.
  3. The strange world of standardized testing.
  4. The truth about why students always wait until the last minute.
  5. The hidden agenda behind school cafeteria food.
  6. The ridiculousness of school rules.
  7. The truth about why math is so hard.
  8. The comedic value of school assemblies.
  9. The absurdity of school bathrooms.
  10. The real reason behind why we hate Mondays.

Travel and Vacation

  1. The comedic value of travel mishaps.
  2. The strange habits of tourists.
  3. The truth about why we always overpack.
  4. The hidden agenda behind travel souvenirs.
  5. The absurdity of airport security.
  6. The hilarious side of language barriers.
  7. The real reason behind why vacations never go as planned.
  8. The comedic value of travel reviews.
  9. The absurdity of travel etiquette.
  10. The truth about why we love beach vacations.

Health and Fitness

  1. The comedic value of gym fails.
  2. The strange habits of fitness fanatics.
  3. The truth about why we always start diets on Mondays.
  4. The absurdity of fitness trends.
  5. The hidden agenda behind workout clothing.
  6. The ridiculousness of exercise equipment infomercials.
  7. The comedic side of yoga classes.
  8. The real reason why we can’t stick to a workout routine.
  9. The absurdity of detox diets.
  10. The truth about why we love cheat days.

Environmental Issues

  1. The comedic value of eco-friendly products.
  2. The strange habits of environmental activists.
  3. The truth about why we still use plastic straws.
  4. The hidden agenda behind recycling.
  5. The absurdity of climate change denial.
  6. The hilarious side of green initiatives.
  7. The real reason why we can’t give up fast fashion.
  8. The absurdity of eco-friendly packaging.
  9. The truth about why we love nature documentaries.
  10. The comedic value of Earth Day celebrations.

Parenting and Family Life

  1. The strange habits of new parents.
  2. The comedic side of parenting advice books.
  3. The truth about why kids never listen.
  4. The hidden agenda behind family vacations.
  5. The absurdity of parenting trends.
  6. The hilarious side of kids’ birthday parties.
  7. The real reason why parents always say, “Because I said so.”
  8. The absurdity of family dinner conversations.
  9. The truth about why grandparents spoil their grandkids.
  10. The comedic value of family holiday traditions.

Politics and Government

  1. The strange habits of politicians.
  2. The comedic value of political debates.
  3. The truth about why we can’t trust politicians.
  4. The hidden agenda behind campaign promises.
  5. The absurdity of political scandals.
  6. The ridiculousness of political ads.
  7. The real reason why we can’t agree on anything politically.
  8. The comedic side of voting.
  9. The absurdity of political correctness.
  10. The truth about why we still have political cartoons.

Sports and Athletics

  1. The strange habits of sports fans.
  2. The comedic value of sports commentary.
  3. The truth about why we always root for the underdog.
  4. The hidden agenda behind sports rivalries.
  5. The absurdity of sports superstitions.
  6. The ridiculousness of sports mascots.
  7. The real reason why we watch the Super Bowl for the commercials.
  8. The comedic side of sports injuries.
  9. The absurdity of halftime shows.
  10. The truth about why we can’t resist sports documentaries.

Fashion and Style

  1. The strange habits of fashionistas.
  2. The comedic value of fashion trends.
  3. The truth about why we wear socks with sandals.
  4. The hidden agenda behind fashion magazines.
  5. The absurdity of runway fashion.
  6. The ridiculousness of beauty pageants.
  7. The real reason why we can’t resist sales.
  8. The comedic side of fashion disasters.
  9. The absurdity of fashion rules.
  10. The truth about why we keep clothes we never wear.

Science and Technology

  1. The strange habits of scientists.
  2. The comedic value of science experiments gone wrong.
  3. The truth about why we’re fascinated by conspiracy theories.
  4. The hidden agenda behind technology addiction.
  5. The absurdity of futuristic predictions.
  6. The ridiculousness of infomercial inventions.
  7. The real reason why we can’t live without Wi-Fi.
  8. The comedic side of tech support calls.
  9. The absurdity of robot companions.
  10. The truth about why we’re obsessed with space exploration.

Philosophy and Existentialism

  1. The strange habits of philosophers.
  2. The comedic value of existential crises.
  3. The truth about why we question the meaning of life.
  4. The hidden agenda behind self-help books.
  5. The absurdity of fortune-telling.
  6. The ridiculousness of conspiracy theories.
  7. The real reason why we’re afraid of the dark.
  8. The comedic side of mid-life crises.
  9. The absurdity of “deep” conversations.
  10. The truth about why we seek happiness.

Religion and Spirituality

  1. The strange habits of religious leaders.
  2. The comedic value of religious rituals.
  3. The truth about why we believe in superstitions.
  4. The hidden agenda behind cults.
  5. The absurdity of religious debates.
  6. The ridiculousness of creationism vs. evolution.
  7. The real reason why we pray.
  8. The comedic side of religious texts.
  9. The absurdity of religious persecution.
  10. The truth about why we seek spiritual enlightenment.

Animals and Nature

  1. The strange habits of animals.
  2. The comedic value of animal documentaries.
  3. The truth about why we anthropomorphize animals.
  4. The hidden agenda behind pet ownership.
  5. The absurdity of animal rights activism.
  6. The ridiculousness of pet clothing.
  7. The real reason why we love cat videos.
  8. The comedic side of wildlife conservation efforts.
  9. The absurdity of pet psychology.
  10. The truth about why we’re obsessed with animal memes.

Art and Creativity

  1. The strange habits of artists.
  2. The comedic value of modern art.
  3. The truth about why we’re drawn to certain paintings.
  4. The hidden agenda behind art auctions.
  5. The absurdity of art criticism.
  6. The ridiculousness of art forgeries.
  7. The real reason why we can’t understand abstract art.
  8. The comedic side of art installations.
  9. The absurdity of art school.
  10. The truth about why we doodle.

Money and Finance

  1. The strange habits of billionaires.
  2. The comedic value of budgeting.
  3. The truth about why we buy lottery tickets.
  4. The hidden agenda behind get-rich-quick schemes.
  5. The absurdity of economic forecasts.
  6. The ridiculousness of financial advice.
  7. The real reason why we can’t stick to a budget.
  8. The comedic side of penny-pinching.
  9. The absurdity of shopping addiction.
  10. The truth about why money can’t buy happiness.

Literature and Writing

  1. The strange habits of writers.
  2. The comedic value of literary analysis.
  3. The truth about why we’re drawn to certain genres.
  4. The hidden agenda behind book clubs.
  5. The absurdity of writer’s block.
  6. The ridiculousness of fan fiction.
  7. The real reason why we judge books by their covers.
  8. The comedic side of book adaptations.
  9. The absurdity of literary awards.
  10. The truth about why we love to escape into books.

History and Historical Events

  1. The strange habits of historical figures.
  2. The comedic value of historical reenactments.
  3. The truth about why we’re fascinated by conspiracy theories.
  4. The hidden agenda behind historical revisionism.
  5. The absurdity of ancient traditions.
  6. The ridiculousness of historical fashion.
  7. The real reason why we love visiting museums.
  8. The comedic side of historical documentaries.
  9. The absurdity of historical inaccuracies in movies.
  10. The truth about why we’re nostalgic for the past.

DIY and Crafts

  1. The strange habits of DIY enthusiasts.
  2. The comedic value of Pinterest fails.
  3. The truth about why we start craft projects we never finish.
  4. The hidden agenda behind home improvement shows.
  5. The absurdity of craft supply hoarding.
  6. The ridiculousness of DIY disasters.
  7. The real reason why we can’t resist DIY tutorials.
  8. The comedic side of failed DIY gifts.
  9. The absurdity of extreme crafting.
  10. The truth about why we love handmade items.

Cars and Transportation

  1. The strange habits of car enthusiasts.
  2. The comedic value of driving mishaps.
  3. The truth about why we name our cars.
  4. The hidden agenda behind car commercials.
  5. The absurdity of road rage.
  6. The ridiculousness of carpool karaoke.
  7. The real reason why we love vintage cars.
  8. The comedic side of traffic jams.
  9. The absurdity of driving superstitions.
  10. The truth about why we hate parallel parking.

Law and Legal Issues

  1. The strange habits of lawyers.
  2. The comedic value of courtroom dramas.
  3. The truth about why we’re fascinated by true crime.
  4. The hidden agenda behind legal loopholes.
  5. The absurdity of frivolous lawsuits.
  6. The ridiculousness of legal jargon.
  7. The real reason why we watch crime documentaries.
  8. The comedic side of courtroom sketches.
  9. The absurdity of celebrity trials.
  10. The truth about why we can’t stop watching Law & Order.

Holidays and Celebrations

  1. The strange habits of holiday enthusiasts.
  2. The comedic value of holiday traditions.
  3. The truth about why we love holiday music.
  4. The hidden agenda behind holiday marketing.
  5. The absurdity of holiday decorations.
  6. The ridiculousness of holiday-themed movies.
  7. The real reason why we stress over holiday dinners.
  8. The comedic side of holiday shopping.
  9. The absurdity of New Year’s resolutions.
  10. The truth about why we love Halloween.

Beauty and Personal Care

  1. The strange habits of beauty gurus.
  2. The comedic value of beauty fails.
  3. The truth about why we follow skincare routines.
  4. The hidden agenda behind beauty product advertising.
  5. The absurdity of beauty pageants.
  6. The ridiculousness of beauty standards.
  7. The real reason why we love makeup tutorials.
  8. The comedic side of DIY beauty hacks.
  9. The absurdity of beauty myths.
  10. The truth about why we’re obsessed with anti-aging products.

Home and Household

  1. The strange habits of neat freaks.
  2. The comedic value of household chores.
  3. The truth about why we can’t keep houseplants alive.
  4. The hidden agenda behind home organization trends.
  5. The absurdity of cleaning product commercials.
  6. The ridiculousness of home renovation shows.
  7. The real reason why we have junk drawers.
  8. The comedic side of DIY disasters.
  9. The absurdity of “smart” home devices.
  10. The truth about why we love HGTV.

Gardening and Outdoor Living

  1. The strange habits of gardeners.
  2. The comedic value of gardening mishaps.
  3. The truth about why we love houseplants.
  4. The hidden agenda behind gardening trends.
  5. The absurdity of lawn care rituals.
  6. The ridiculousness of garden gnome collections.
  7. The real reason why we can’t resist buying more plants.
  8. The comedic side of garden pests.
  9. The absurdity of outdoor furniture.
  10. The truth about why we love spending time in nature.

Weddings and Marriage

  1. The strange habits of brides-to-be.
  2. The comedic value of wedding planning.
  3. The truth about why we stress over wedding details.
  4. The hidden agenda behind wedding traditions.
  5. The absurdity of wedding dress shopping.
  6. The ridiculousness of wedding trends.
  7. The real reason why we cry at weddings.
  8. The comedic side of wedding speeches.
  9. The absurdity of wedding registries.
  10. The truth about why we love wedding movies.

Aging and Retirement

  1. The strange habits of retirees.
  2. The comedic value of getting older.
  3. The truth about why we fear aging.
  4. The hidden agenda behind anti-aging products.
  5. The absurdity of retirement communities.
  6. The ridiculousness of senior discounts.
  7. The real reason why we love stories of “old people antics.”
  8. The comedic side of aging gracefully.
  9. The absurdity of midlife crises.
  10. The truth about why we’re obsessed with staying young.

These topics cover a wide range of areas, so you should be able to find something that resonates with your audience and suits your speaking style. Good luck with your speech.


Humor is a powerful tool for persuasion. By injecting laughter into our discussions, we can engage our audience, lighten the mood, and ultimately make our messages more memorable. Whether we’re poking fun at societal norms, exploring the quirks of everyday life, or unraveling the absurdities of our world, funny persuasive speech topics have the ability to entertain, inform, and inspire change.

So, let’s embrace the laughter, challenge the status quo, and remember that sometimes, a good laugh is all it takes to make a persuasive point. Thank you for joining me on this comedic journey, and may your speeches always leave your audience smiling.