150 Interesting bible topics to discuss

Are you seeking thought-provoking conversations that delve into the depths of ancient wisdom? Look no further than the captivating realm of the Bible. From its narratives of courage and redemption to its profound teachings on morality and spirituality, the Bible offers a wealth of intriguing topics waiting to be explored.

Together, let’s go through a collection of captivating and thought-provoking discussions on interesting Bible topics to discuss. Whether you’re a seasoned scholar or a curious seeker, prepare to be inspired, challenged, and enlightened by the timeless truths within these sacred texts.

Is it right to discuss bible topics?

Interesting bible topics to discuss

Discussing Bible topics can be appropriate and meaningful for many people, but it ultimately depends on the context, the participants involved, and the manner in which the discussion is conducted. Here are a few considerations:

  1. Respectful Dialogue: Engaging in discussions about Bible topics should be done with respect for diverse perspectives and beliefs. Participants should be open-minded and willing to listen to others’ viewpoints without dismissing them outright.
  2. Understanding Audience: It’s important to consider the audience when discussing Bible topics. Some groups may be very receptive and interested, while others may not share the same beliefs or level of interest. Tailoring the discussion to the audience can make it more engaging and meaningful.
  3. Sensitive Topics: Some Bible topics may be sensitive or controversial, such as interpretations of certain passages or theological debates. Approach these topics with sensitivity and be mindful of differing opinions.
  4. Educational Purpose: Discussing Bible topics can serve an educational purpose, helping individuals deepen their understanding of religious texts, history, and theology. It can also promote critical thinking and dialogue about ethical and moral issues.
  5. Inclusive Participation: Encourage inclusive participation in discussions about Bible topics, welcoming diverse perspectives and voices. This can enrich the conversation and foster greater understanding among participants.

Overall, discussing Bible topics can be a positive and enriching experience when approached with respect, open-mindedness, and a willingness to engage in meaningful dialogue. However, it’s essential to be mindful of the context and audience to ensure that discussions are constructive and respectful.

Bible study topics for young adults

When selecting Bible study topics for young adults, it’s essential to consider themes that resonate with their experiences, challenges, and interests. Here are some ideas:

  1. Identity and Purpose: Explore passages that discuss identity and purpose in the context of young adults’ lives. Topics could include understanding one’s identity in Christ, discovering God-given talents and passions, and finding purpose in life.
  2. Relationships: Delve into the Bible’s teachings on various types of relationships, such as friendships, romantic relationships, and family dynamics. Discuss how biblical principles can guide healthy and fulfilling relationships.
  3. Faith and Doubt: Address questions of faith and doubt that are common among young adults. Explore stories of individuals in the Bible who experienced doubt and wrestled with their faith, and discuss strategies for strengthening faith in challenging times.
  4. Social Justice and Service: Study passages that emphasize social justice, compassion, and serving others. Encourage young adults to explore ways they can make a positive impact in their communities and advocate for justice and equality.
  5. Navigating Transitions: Young adulthood is often a time of significant transitions, such as starting college, entering the workforce, or moving away from home. Discuss biblical principles for navigating change, finding stability in God, and trusting in His guidance.
  6. Stewardship and Finances: Explore biblical teachings on stewardship, generosity, and financial responsibility. Discuss practical strategies for managing finances, living within means, and using resources to bless others.
  7. Personal Growth and Character Development: Study passages that focus on personal growth, character development, and spiritual maturity. Discuss virtues such as integrity, humility, perseverance, and forgiveness, and explore how to cultivate these qualities in daily life.
  8. Prayer and Spiritual Disciplines: Explore the importance of prayer and spiritual disciplines in nurturing a vibrant faith. Discuss different forms of prayer, ways to cultivate a deeper prayer life, and the role of spiritual disciplines in spiritual growth.
  9. Biblical Worldview: Examine how biblical principles can inform young adults’ perspectives on contemporary issues such as technology, media, relationships, and ethics. Discuss how to apply biblical wisdom to navigate the complexities of modern life.
  10. Mission and Evangelism: Explore the Great Commission and discuss ways to share the gospel with others effectively. Encourage young adults to develop a heart for missions, both locally and globally, and explore practical ways to engage in evangelism and discipleship.

These topics provide a starting point for engaging Bible study discussions with young adults, but feel free to adapt them based on the specific interests and needs of your group.

150 Interesting bible topics to discuss

Interesting bible topics to discuss

Here’s a list of 150 interesting Bible topics you can discuss with both youths and adults.

Old Testament Stories:

  1. Creation: Explore the Genesis account of creation and its significance.
  2. Noah’s Ark: Discuss the story of Noah and the flood, focusing on themes of obedience and salvation.
  3. Abraham’s Faith: Explore Abraham’s journey of faith and obedience.
  4. Joseph’s Journey: Discuss Joseph’s life and the theme of God’s sovereignty over human events.
  5. Moses and the Exodus: Explore the story of Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt and its parallels with spiritual liberation.
  6. David and Goliath: Discuss the story of David’s courage and faith in facing Goliath.
  7. The Wisdom of Solomon: Explore the wisdom literature of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes attributed to King Solomon.
  8. The Fall of Jericho: Discuss the conquest of Jericho and the theme of God’s faithfulness.
  9. Elijah and the Prophets of Baal: Explore the showdown between Elijah and the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel.
  10. Jonah and the Whale: Discuss the story of Jonah and God’s mercy on Nineveh.

New Testament Teachings:

  1. Sermon on the Mount: Explore the teachings of Jesus in Matthew 5-7, focusing on the Beatitudes and ethical principles.
  2. Parables of Jesus: Discuss the various parables of Jesus and their spiritual meanings.
  3. The Good Samaritan: Explore the story of the Good Samaritan and the theme of compassion.
  4. The Prodigal Son: Discuss the parable of the Prodigal Son and the themes of repentance and forgiveness.
  5. The Last Supper: Explore the significance of the Last Supper in Christian theology.
  6. The Resurrection: Discuss the resurrection of Jesus and its implications for Christian faith.
  7. The Great Commission: Explore Jesus’ command to make disciples of all nations.
  8. The Fruit of the Spirit: Discuss Paul’s teachings on the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5.
  9. The Armor of God: Explore Paul’s metaphor of spiritual warfare in Ephesians 6.
  10. The Love Chapter: Discuss Paul’s exposition on love in 1 Corinthians 13.

Characters of the Bible:

  1. Mary, Mother of Jesus: Explore the role of Mary in the life of Jesus and the early church.
  2. Peter, the Rock: Discuss the life and teachings of the apostle Peter.
  3. Paul, the Apostle: Explore the life and missionary journeys of the apostle Paul.
  4. John the Baptist: Discuss the ministry and message of John the Baptist.
  5. Mary Magdalene: Explore the portrayal of Mary Magdalene in the Gospels and her significance in Christian tradition.
  6. Thomas, the Doubter: Discuss Thomas’ doubts and his encounter with the risen Jesus.
  7. Ruth and Naomi: Explore the story of Ruth and Naomi and the theme of loyalty.
  8. Esther, the Queen: Discuss the story of Esther and the theme of courage.
  9. Job’s Suffering: Explore the book of Job and the problem of suffering.
  10. Daniel in the Lion’s Den: Discuss Daniel’s faithfulness in the face of adversity.

Moral and Ethical Issues:

  1. Justice and Mercy: Explore biblical teachings on justice and mercy.
  2. Human Dignity: Discuss the biblical perspective on the inherent dignity of every human being.
  3. Social Justice: Explore biblical principles of social justice and care for the marginalized.
  4. Sexuality and Marriage: Discuss biblical teachings on sexuality, marriage, and relationships.
  5. Stewardship of Creation: Explore the biblical call to stewardship and care for the environment.
  6. Honesty and Integrity: Discuss biblical principles of honesty, integrity, and truthfulness.
  7. Forgiveness: Explore the theme of forgiveness in the Bible and its importance in Christian life.
  8. Humility: Discuss the virtue of humility and its significance in Christian spirituality.
  9. Generosity: Explore biblical teachings on generosity and giving.
  10. Compassion: Discuss the importance of compassion and empathy in Christian ethics.

Theological Concepts:

  1. Trinity: Explore the biblical basis for the doctrine of the Trinity.
  2. Salvation: Discuss biblical teachings on salvation and redemption.
  3. Grace: Explore the concept of grace in the Bible and its implications for Christian life.
  4. Faith: Discuss the nature of faith and its role in Christian spirituality.
  5. Predestination: Explore the biblical tension between divine sovereignty and human free will.
  6. Election: Discuss the concept of election and God’s choosing of His people.
  7. Atonement: Explore different theories of atonement and their biblical basis.
  8. Sanctification: Discuss the process of sanctification and becoming more like Christ.
  9. Eschatology: Explore biblical teachings on the end times and the return of Christ.
  10. Heaven and Hell: Discuss biblical depictions of heaven and hell and their theological significance.

Historical Context:

  1. Ancient Israelite Religion: Explore the religious practices and beliefs of ancient Israel.
  2. Greco-Roman World: Discuss the cultural and historical context of the New Testament world.
  3. Jewish Sects: Explore the different Jewish sects of the New Testament period, such as Pharisees, Sadducees, and Essenes.
  4. Roman Occupation: Discuss the impact of Roman occupation on the Jewish people and the early Christian movement.
  5. Hellenistic Influence: Explore the influence of Hellenistic culture on the development of early Christianity.
  6. First Century Judaism: Discuss the religious and social landscape of first-century Judaism.
  7. Roman Persecution: Explore the persecution faced by early Christians under Roman rule.
  8. Early Christian Communities: Discuss the organization and practices of early Christian communities.
  9. Spread of Christianity: Explore the spread of Christianity in the first century and its impact on the Roman world.
  10. Council of Jerusalem: Discuss the decision-making process and outcomes of the Council of Jerusalem in Acts 15.

Apologetics and Defending the Faith:

  1. Historical Reliability of the Bible: Explore evidence for the historical reliability of the biblical texts.
  2. Archaeological Evidence: Discuss archaeological discoveries that support the biblical narrative.
  3. Prophecy and Fulfillment: Explore biblical prophecies and their fulfillment in Jesus Christ.
  4. Miracles: Discuss the possibility of miracles and their significance in the Christian faith.
  5. Problem of Evil: Explore responses to the problem of evil and suffering from a Christian perspective.
  6. Existence of God: Discuss arguments for the existence of God from philosophy and theology.
  7. Reliability of the New Testament: Explore evidence for the reliability of the New Testament documents.
  8. Resurrection of Jesus: Discuss historical evidence for the resurrection of Jesus.
  9. Science and Faith: Explore the relationship between science and faith from a Christian perspective.
  10. Comparative Religion: Discuss Christianity in comparison to other world religions.

Spiritual Disciplines:

  1. Prayer: Explore different forms of prayer and the importance of prayer in the Christian life.
  2. Bible Study: Discuss techniques for studying the Bible effectively.
  3. Meditation: Explore the practice of Christian meditation and its benefits.
  4. Fasting: Discuss the spiritual discipline of fasting and its significance.
  5. Worship: Explore the biblical concept of worship and its expression in Christian communities.
  6. Sabbath Rest: Discuss the importance of rest and Sabbath observance in the Christian tradition.
  7. Service: Explore the biblical call to service and ministry.
  8. Hospitality: Discuss the practice of hospitality and its importance in Christian communities.
  9. Silence and Solitude: Explore the spiritual disciplines of silence and solitude.
  10. Community Life: Discuss the importance of community and fellowship in the Christian faith.

Personal Growth and Development:

  1. Self-Examination: Explore the practice of self-examination and confession.
  2. Spiritual Gifts: Discuss the concept of spiritual gifts and how they are used in the church.
  3. Personal Mission: Explore the idea of finding one’s personal mission or calling.
  4. Overcoming Temptation: Discuss strategies for overcoming temptation and living a holy life.
  5. Dealing with Failure: Explore biblical examples of failure and redemption.
  6. Cultivating Virtue: Discuss the importance of cultivating virtues such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
  7. Setting Goals: Explore the importance of setting spiritual goals and aspirations.
  8. Managing Time: Discuss biblical principles for managing time and priorities.
  9. Emotional Health: Explore biblical principles for emotional health and well-being.
  10. Finding Purpose: Discuss how to discern God’s purpose for one’s life.

Church and Ministry:

  1. Church Leadership: Explore biblical teachings on church leadership and governance.
  2. Mission and Evangelism: Discuss strategies for mission and evangelism in the church.
  3. Discipleship: Explore the process of discipleship and spiritual formation.
  4. Small Groups: Discuss the role of small groups in the life of the church.
  5. Christian Unity: Explore biblical teachings on unity and reconciliation in the church.
  6. Conflict Resolution: Discuss biblical principles for resolving conflicts within the church.
  7. Pastoral Care: Explore the role of pastoral care and counseling in the church.
  8. Church Growth: Discuss strategies for fostering growth and vitality in the church.
  9. Ministry to the Poor: Explore biblical teachings on caring for the poor and marginalized.
  10. Global Missions: Discuss the importance of global missions and cross-cultural ministry.

Faith and Culture:

  1. Faith and Politics: Explore the intersection of faith and politics from a biblical perspective.
  2. Christianity and the Arts: Discuss the role of the arts in Christian worship and expression.
  3. Media and Entertainment: Explore biblical principles for engaging with media and entertainment.
  4. Technology and Ethics: Discuss ethical considerations related to technology from a Christian perspective.
  5. Consumerism and Materialism: Explore biblical teachings on wealth, consumerism, and materialism.
  6. Environmental Stewardship: Discuss the Christian responsibility to care for the environment.
  7. Social Media and Relationships: Explore the impact of social media on relationships and community.
  8. Education and Faith: Discuss the integration of faith and learning in education.
  9. Work and Vocation: Explore biblical teachings on work, vocation, and calling.
  10. Health and Wellness: Discuss the importance of physical and mental health from a Christian perspective.

Christian Living:

  1. Living a Holy Life: Explore biblical teachings on holiness and sanctification.
  2. Living by Faith: Discuss what it means to live a life of faith and trust in God.
  3. Living in Community: Explore the importance of community and fellowship in the Christian life.
  4. Simplicity and Contentment: Discuss the value of simplicity and contentment in Christian living.
  5. Hospitality: Explore biblical teachings on hospitality and welcoming the stranger.
  6. Perseverance and Endurance: Discuss the importance of perseverance and endurance in the Christian life.
  7. Joy and Gratitude: Explore biblical teachings on joy and gratitude.
  8. Peace in the Midst of Chaos: Discuss strategies for finding peace in the midst of life’s challenges.
  9. Hope in Difficult Times: Explore biblical teachings on hope and its importance in Christian living.
  10. Faithfulness in Everyday Life: Discuss how to be faithful in everyday tasks and responsibilities.

Family and Relationships:

  1. Marriage Enrichment: Explore biblical principles for building a strong and healthy marriage.
  2. Parenting: Discuss biblical teachings on parenting and raising children.
  3. Sibling Relationships: Explore biblical examples of sibling relationships and conflicts.
  4. Honoring Parents: Discuss the importance of honoring parents and caring for aging family members.
  5. Friendship: Explore biblical teachings on friendship and companionship.
  6. Conflict Resolution in Relationships: Discuss biblical principles for resolving conflicts in relationships.
  7. Singleness: Explore the biblical perspective on singleness and celibacy.
  8. Boundaries in Relationships: Discuss the importance of setting healthy boundaries in relationships.
  9. Forgiveness in Relationships: Explore biblical teachings on forgiveness and reconciliation in relationships.
  10. Love and Respect: Discuss the biblical principles of love and respect in relationships.

Devotional Topics:

  1. Morning Devotions: Discuss the importance of starting the day with prayer and scripture reading.
  2. Evening Reflections: Explore the practice of evening reflection and gratitude.
  3. Praying the Psalms: Discuss the practice of praying through the Psalms.
  4. Lectio Divina: Explore the ancient practice of Lectio Divina, or divine reading.
  5. Contemplative Prayer: Discuss the practice of contemplative prayer and meditation on scripture.
  6. Journaling: Explore the practice of journaling as a spiritual discipline.
  7. Prayer Walks: Discuss the practice of prayer walks and communing with God in nature.
  8. Scripture Memorization: Explore the benefits of scripture memorization for spiritual growth.
  9. Prayer Partnerships: Discuss the value of having a prayer partner for accountability and support.
  10. Silent Retreats: Explore the practice of silent retreats for spiritual renewal.

Bible Study Methods:

  1. Inductive Bible Study: Explore the inductive method of studying scripture.
  2. Topical Studies: Discuss how to conduct topical studies using the Bible.
  3. Character Studies: Explore the method of studying biblical characters and their traits.
  4. Book Studies: Discuss strategies for studying individual books of the Bible.
  5. Historical-Cultural Context: Explore the importance of understanding the historical and cultural context of scripture.
  6. Literal vs. Allegorical Interpretation: Discuss different approaches to interpreting scripture.
  7. Textual Criticism: Explore the principles of textual criticism and the reliability of biblical manuscripts.
  8. Hermeneutical Principles: Discuss basic principles of biblical interpretation.
  9. Application: Explore how to apply biblical truths to everyday life.
  10. Group Discussion: Discuss strategies for facilitating group discussion in Bible study settings.

These topics cover a wide range of themes and are designed to inspire meaningful discussions.


The Bible offers a rich tapestry of fascinating topics for discussion, spanning from profound theological concepts to practical guidance for daily living. Whether exploring Old Testament narratives, delving into New Testament teachings, examining historical contexts, or reflecting on personal growth and spiritual disciplines, the Bible provides endless opportunities for engaging conversations.

Interesting Bible topics to discuss ignite curiosity, stimulate reflection, and foster meaningful dialogue among individuals and groups.