300 Sport topics for argumentative essays

Sport topics for argumentative essays can be both engaging and thought-provoking, making them an excellent choice for students looking to explore various issues within the realm of sports. From discussions about the ethics of performance-enhancing drugs to the impact of sports on society, there is a wide range of topics to choose from.

Whether you’re passionate about a particular sport or interested in the sociocultural aspects of athletics, there’s bound to be a topic that piques your interest and sparks a lively debate.

Should Sport topics be used for argumentative essays?

Sport topics for argumentative essays

Sport topics can make excellent subjects for argumentative essays. Here’s why:

  1. Relevance: Sports are a significant part of modern culture and society, so they provide a relevant and engaging topic for discussion.
  2. Controversy: Many aspects of sports, such as doping, gender inequality, commercialization, and the role of technology, are controversial and can generate interesting arguments.
  3. Passion: People are often passionate about sports, so writing about them can evoke strong emotions and engagement from both the writer and the reader.
  4. Wide Range of Topics: There is a wide range of topics within the realm of sports that can be explored, including ethics, health, economics, politics, and social issues.
  5. Accessibility: Sports are a topic that most people can relate to and have some level of familiarity with, making them accessible for both the writer and the reader.

So, if you’re looking for a compelling topic for an argumentative essay, sports can be an excellent choice.

Who should discuss sport topics?

Anyone can discuss sports topics! Whether you’re a sports enthusiast, a journalist, a coach, a player, or simply someone interested in the cultural, social, and economic aspects of sports, there’s something for everyone to discuss.

Here are a few groups of people who might discuss sports topics:

  1. Students: Many students write essays, research papers, or take part in debates on sports-related topics as part of their academic curriculum.
  2. Journalists: Sports journalists cover a wide range of topics related to sports, including game analysis, athlete profiles, and discussions of broader issues within the sports world.
  3. Coaches and Athletes: Coaches and athletes often discuss sports topics as part of their training, strategy development, and performance evaluation.
  4. Fans: Sports fans frequently engage in discussions about their favorite teams, players, and sports-related issues both online and in person.
  5. Academics and Researchers: Scholars from various disciplines, including sociology, psychology, economics, and ethics, study sports and discuss related topics in academic journals and conferences.

Ultimately, anyone with an interest in sports can and should feel free to discuss sports topics.

300 Sport topics for argumentative essays

Sport topics for argumentative essays

Here’s a list of 300 sport topics for argumentative essays, categorized for easier navigation:

Sports and Society

  1. The impact of sports on youth development.
  2. Should college athletes be paid?
  3. The role of sports in reducing crime rates.
  4. Gender equality in sports.
  5. Sports and nationalism: the politics of international competitions.
  6. Should violent sports like boxing be banned?
  7. The influence of sports on culture.
  8. Sports and education: Should physical education be mandatory in schools?
  9. The role of sports in promoting social justice.
  10. The commercialization of sports: pros and cons.
  11. The role of sports in promoting racial equality.
  12. Sports and the media: How sports coverage influences society.
  13. Should athletes be role models?
  14. The impact of sports on mental health.
  15. Sports and technology: How technology is changing the way we play and watch sports.

Ethics and Fair Play

  1. Doping in sports: How to prevent it?
  2. Should athletes who have used performance-enhancing drugs be allowed into the Hall of Fame?
  3. The ethics of genetic enhancement in sports.
  4. Is it ethical to use animals in sports and entertainment?
  5. Fair play in sports: What does it mean?
  6. The role of referees and technology in ensuring fair play.
  7. Sportsmanship: Is winning really everything?
  8. The ethics of sports hunting and fishing.
  9. The impact of gambling on sports.
  10. Should sports leagues have salary caps?

Health and Safety

  1. The long-term health effects of playing contact sports.
  2. The importance of concussion protocols in contact sports.
  3. Should children be allowed to play contact sports?
  4. The role of sports in combating obesity.
  5. Mental health issues in professional sports.
  6. Should extreme sports be banned?
  7. The importance of hydration in sports.
  8. Sports injuries: Who is responsible?
  9. The impact of sports specialization on young athletes.
  10. Should parents be allowed to make their children play sports?

Youth Sports

  1. The benefits of youth sports participation.
  2. Should children receive participation trophies in sports?
  3. The impact of travel teams on youth sports.
  4. Youth sports and parental involvement: Where do we draw the line?
  5. Should children be allowed to specialize in one sport?
  6. The role of coaches in youth sports.
  7. Should there be weight limits in youth football?
  8. The impact of youth sports on family dynamics.
  9. Should children be allowed to play tackle football?
  10. The importance of teaching sportsmanship in youth sports.

Professional Sports

  1. The impact of free agency on professional sports.
  2. Should there be a salary cap in professional sports?
  3. The influence of endorsements on professional athletes.
  4. The role of agents in professional sports.
  5. The impact of social media on professional sports.
  6. Should college athletes be allowed to sign endorsement deals?
  7. The role of sports franchises in their communities.
  8. Should athletes be required to stand for the national anthem?
  9. The impact of sports on local economies.
  10. Should professional sports leagues be more involved in social justice issues?

Sports Governance

  1. The role of sports governing bodies in regulating the sport.
  2. Should sports leagues have more transparency?
  3. The impact of corruption in sports.
  4. The role of athletes’ unions in professional sports.
  5. Should there be term limits for sports commissioners?
  6. The influence of politics on sports governance.
  7. Should there be more international cooperation in regulating sports?
  8. The impact of globalization on sports governance.
  9. The role of fan engagement in sports governance.
  10. The influence of money on sports governance.

Sports and Technology

  1. The impact of video replay on sports.
  2. Should athletes be allowed to use performance-enhancing technology?
  3. The role of analytics in sports.
  4. The impact of wearable technology on sports performance.
  5. Should there be limits on how much technology can be used in sports?
  6. The ethics of using drones in sports.
  7. The impact of virtual reality on sports training.
  8. Should there be more regulation of sports video games?
  9. The role of artificial intelligence in sports.
  10. The future of sports broadcasting: What role will technology play?

Specific Sports


  1. Should the NBA lower the draft age?
  2. Should the NBA implement a midseason tournament?
  3. The impact of the “one-and-done” rule on college basketball.
  4. Should college basketball players be allowed to go straight to the NBA?
  5. The influence of international players on the NBA.

Football (American)

  1. The long-term health effects of playing football.
  2. Should the NFL expand the regular season?
  3. The impact of concussions on football players.
  4. Should the NFL eliminate kickoffs?
  5. The influence of fantasy football on the NFL.


  1. The impact of soccer on American sports culture.
  2. Should FIFA have term limits for its president?
  3. The role of technology in soccer officiating.
  4. Should goal-line technology be used in all soccer leagues?
  5. The impact of racism in soccer.


  1. Should MLB implement a pitch clock?
  2. The influence of analytics on baseball strategy.
  3. Should MLB expand the use of instant replay?
  4. The impact of the designated hitter rule in baseball.
  5. Should MLB implement a salary cap?


  1. Should tennis players be allowed to receive coaching during matches?
  2. The impact of technology on tennis officiating.
  3. Should Wimbledon have tiebreakers in the fifth set?
  4. The role of prize money in tennis.
  5. The impact of equal pay in tennis.


  1. Should golf courses be more environmentally friendly?
  2. The impact of technology on golf equipment.
  3. Should the PGA Tour have a shorter season?
  4. The role of caddies in professional golf.
  5. The impact of golf on local economies.


  1. The impact of hosting the Olympics on a city.
  2. Should the Olympics have a permanent host city?
  3. The role of politics in the Olympics.
  4. The impact of doping on the Olympics.
  5. Should there be age limits for Olympic athletes?

Sports and Politics

  1. The role of athletes in political activism.
  2. Should sports leagues take a stance on political issues?
  3. The impact of boycotts on sports events.
  4. The influence of government funding on sports.
  5. The impact of sports diplomacy.

Sports and Education

  1. The impact of sports on academic performance.
  2. Should student-athletes receive special treatment?
  3. The role of sports in college admissions.
  4. The impact of budget cuts on school sports programs.
  5. Should schools prioritize academics over sports?

Sports and Media

  1. The influence of social media on sports.
  2. Should sports networks be more transparent about their biases?
  3. The impact of streaming on sports broadcasting.
  4. Should athletes be required to participate in media interviews?
  5. The role of sports documentaries in shaping public opinion.

Sports and Technology

  1. The impact of video replay on sports officiating.
  2. Should athletes be allowed to use performance-enhancing technology?
  3. The role of analytics in sports strategy.
  4. The impact of wearable technology on sports performance.
  5. Should there be limits on how much technology can be used in sports?

Sports and Health

  1. The long-term health effects of playing contact sports.
  2. Should children be allowed to play contact sports?
  3. The importance of concussion protocols in sports.
  4. The impact of sports on mental health.
  5. Should extreme sports be banned?

Sports and Gender

  1. Gender equality in sports: are women’s sports taken as seriously as men’s?
  2. Should transgender athletes be allowed to compete in the gender category they identify with?
  3. The impact of Title IX on women’s sports.
  4. The role of gender in sports media coverage.
  5. Should there be separate leagues for male and female athletes?

Sports and Race

  1. The impact of race on sports participation.
  2. Racism in sports: How big of a problem is it?
  3. The role of race in sports media coverage.
  4. Should sports teams change racially insensitive names and mascots?
  5. The impact of racism on athlete mental health.

Sports and Economics

  1. The impact of sports stadiums on local economies.
  2. Should cities use public funds to build sports stadiums?
  3. The role of taxes in funding sports teams.
  4. The impact of ticket prices on sports attendance.
  5. Should college athletes be allowed to profit from their likeness?

Sports and Environment

  1. The impact of sports events on the environment.
  2. Should sports leagues do more to promote sustainability?
  3. The role of sports in combating climate change.
  4. The impact of golf courses on the environment.
  5. Should sports events be held in countries with poor human rights records?

Sports and Technology

  1. The impact of video replay on sports officiating.
  2. Should athletes be allowed to use performance-enhancing technology?
  3. The role of analytics in sports strategy.
  4. The impact of wearable technology on sports performance.
  5. Should there be limits on how much technology can be used in sports?

Sports and Politics

  1. The role of athletes in political activism.
  2. Should sports leagues take a stance on political issues?
  3. The impact of boycotts on sports events.
  4. The influence of government funding on sports.
  5. The impact of sports diplomacy.

Sports and Education

  1. The impact of sports on academic performance.
  2. Should student-athletes receive special treatment?
  3. The role of sports in college admissions.
  4. The impact of budget cuts on school sports programs.
  5. Should schools prioritize academics over sports?

Sports and Media

  1. The influence of social media on sports.
  2. Should sports networks be more transparent about their biases?
  3. The impact of streaming on sports broadcasting.
  4. Should athletes be required to participate in media interviews?
  5. The role of sports documentaries in shaping public opinion.

Sports and Technology

  1. The impact of video replay on sports officiating.
  2. Should athletes be allowed to use performance-enhancing technology?
  3. The role of analytics in sports strategy.
  4. The impact of wearable technology on sports performance.
  5. Should there be limits on how much technology can be used in sports?

Sports and Health

  1. The long-term health effects of playing contact sports.
  2. Should children be allowed to play contact sports?
  3. The importance of concussion protocols in sports.
  4. The impact of sports on mental health.
  5. Should extreme sports be banned?

Sports and Gender

  1. Gender equality in sports: are women’s sports taken as seriously as men’s?
  2. Should transgender athletes be allowed to compete in the gender category they identify with?
  3. The impact of Title IX on women’s sports.
  4. The role of gender in sports media coverage.
  5. Should there be separate leagues for male and female athletes?

Sports and Race

  1. The impact of race on sports participation.
  2. Racism in sports: How big of a problem is it?
  3. The role of race in sports media coverage.
  4. Should sports teams change racially insensitive names and mascots?
  5. The impact of racism on athlete mental health.

Sports and Economics

  1. The impact of sports stadiums on local economies.
  2. Should cities use public funds to build sports stadiums?
  3. The role of taxes in funding sports teams.
  4. The impact of ticket prices on sports attendance.
  5. Should college athletes be allowed to profit from their likeness?

Sports and Environment

  1. The impact of sports events on the environment.
  2. Should sports leagues do more to promote sustainability?
  3. The role of sports in combating climate change.
  4. The impact of golf courses on the environment.
  5. Should sports events be held in countries with poor human rights records?

Sports and Technology

  1. The impact of video replay on sports officiating.
  2. Should athletes be allowed to use performance-enhancing technology?
  3. The role of analytics in sports strategy.
  4. The impact of wearable technology on sports performance.
  5. Should there be limits on how much technology can be used in sports?

Sports and Politics

  1. The role of athletes in political activism.
  2. Should sports leagues take a stance on political issues?
  3. The impact of boycotts on sports events.
  4. The influence of government funding on sports.
  5. The impact of sports diplomacy.

Sports and Education

  1. The impact of sports on academic performance.
  2. Should student-athletes receive special treatment?
  3. The role of sports in college admissions.
  4. The impact of budget cuts on school sports programs.
  5. Should schools prioritize academics over sports?

Sports and Media

  1. The influence of social media on sports.
  2. Should sports networks be more transparent about their biases?
  3. The impact of streaming on sports broadcasting.
  4. Should athletes be required to participate in media interviews?
  5. The role of sports documentaries in shaping public opinion.

Sports and Technology

  1. The impact of video replay on sports officiating.
  2. Should athletes be allowed to use performance-enhancing technology?
  3. The role of analytics in sports strategy.
  4. The impact of wearable technology on sports performance.
  5. Should there be limits on how much technology can be used in sports?

Sports and Health

  1. The long-term health effects of playing contact sports.
  2. Should children be allowed to play contact sports?
  3. The importance of concussion protocols in sports.
  4. The impact of sports on mental health.
  5. Should extreme sports be banned?

Sports and Gender

  1. Gender equality in sports: are women’s sports taken as seriously as men’s?
  2. Should transgender athletes be allowed to compete in the gender category they identify with?
  3. The impact of Title IX on women’s sports.
  4. The role of gender in sports media coverage.
  5. Should there be separate leagues for male and female athletes?

Sports and Race

  1. The impact of race on sports participation.
  2. Racism in sports: How big of a problem is it?
  3. The role of race in sports media coverage.
  4. Should sports teams change racially insensitive names and mascots?
  5. The impact of racism on athlete mental health.

Sports and Economics

  1. The impact of sports stadiums on local economies.
  2. Should cities use public funds to build sports stadiums?
  3. The role of taxes in funding sports teams.
  4. The impact of ticket prices on sports attendance.
  5. Should college athletes be allowed to profit from their likeness?

Sports and Environment

  1. The impact of sports events on the environment.
  2. Should sports leagues do more to promote sustainability?
  3. The role of sports in combating climate change.
  4. The impact of golf courses on the environment.
  5. Should sports events be held in countries with poor human rights records?

Sports and Technology

  1. The impact of video replay on sports officiating.
  2. Should athletes be allowed to use performance-enhancing technology?
  3. The role of analytics in sports strategy.
  4. The impact of wearable technology on sports performance.
  5. Should there be limits on how much technology can be used in sports?

Sports and Politics

  1. The role of athletes in political activism.
  2. Should sports leagues take a stance on political issues?
  3. The impact of boycotts on sports events.
  4. The influence of government funding on sports.
  5. The impact of sports diplomacy.

Sports and Education

  1. The impact of sports on academic performance.
  2. Should student-athletes receive special treatment?
  3. The role of sports in college admissions.
  4. The impact of budget cuts on school sports programs.
  5. Should schools prioritize academics over sports?

Sports and Media

  1. The influence of social media on sports.
  2. Should sports networks be more transparent about their biases?
  3. The impact of streaming on sports broadcasting.
  4. Should athletes be required to participate in media interviews?
  5. The role of sports documentaries in shaping public opinion.

Sports and Technology

  1. The impact of video replay on sports officiating.
  2. Should athletes be allowed to use performance-enhancing technology?
  3. The role of analytics in sports strategy.
  4. The impact of wearable technology on sports performance.
  5. Should there be limits on how much technology can be used in sports?

Sports and Health

  1. The long-term health effects of playing contact sports.
  2. Should children be allowed to play contact sports?
  3. The importance of concussion protocols in sports.
  4. The impact of sports on mental health.
  5. Should extreme sports be banned?

Sports and Gender

  1. Gender equality in sports: are women’s sports taken as seriously as men’s?
  2. Should transgender athletes be allowed to compete in the gender category they identify with?
  3. The impact of Title IX on women’s sports.
  4. The role of gender in sports media coverage.
  5. Should there be separate leagues for male and female athletes?

Sports and Race

  1. The impact of race on sports participation.
  2. Racism in sports: How big of a problem is it?
  3. The role of race in sports media coverage.
  4. Should sports teams change racially insensitive names and mascots?
  5. The impact of racism on athlete mental health.

Sports and Economics

  1. The impact of sports stadiums on local economies.
  2. Should cities use public funds to build sports stadiums?
  3. The role of taxes in funding sports teams.
  4. The impact of ticket prices on sports attendance.
  5. Should college athletes be allowed to profit from their likeness?

These topics should provide a good starting point for your argumentative essays!


Sport topics offer a rich and diverse landscape for argumentative essays. Whether discussing issues of ethics, health, economics, politics, or culture, sports provide ample material for engaging and thought-provoking discussions. From the impact of technology to questions of fairness and equality, the world of sports is a dynamic arena for exploring a wide range of ideas and perspectives.

Sport topics for argumentative essays offer not only an opportunity to delve into current controversies but also a chance to explore the broader social, cultural, and ethical implications of athletic competition.